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Documento - Office Viewer v1.0.0.8 APK

Friday 20 April 2012

Office Documento Viewer for android, At last the best document viewer for Android !

Documento - Office Viewer v1.0.0.8 play.google.com.igates.office
Office Documento Viewer for android,At last the best document viewer for Android,
Documento supports Microsoft Office Word files in the most realistic and comfortable way for Android users.

Documento supports most of the languages including Asian and Right-To-Left such as Hebrew & Arabic.

Major file formats which are supported:
  • Microsoft Office Word 97 (*.doc)
  • Microsoft Office Word 2003 (*.doc)
  • Microsoft Office Word 2007 (*.docx) 
  • Microsoft Office Word 2010 (*.docx) 
  • Rich Text Format - (*.rtf)
  • XML
  • Html - (*.htm), (*.html), (*.mhtml)
  • Microsoft email formats - (*.msg) - with attachments 
  • Email formats - (*.eml) - with attachments 
  • Plain Text - (*.txt)
  • Java files - (*.java)
  • C/C++ files - (*.c), (*.cpp), (*.h)
  • Objective-C - (*.m), (*.mm)
  • Bin - (*.*)
You can adjust the default behavior of view mode, font, orientation, text-flow direction and even the way content can be searched inside a document

Future features:
  • Edit mode for all document formats
  • Support for Password protected documents
  • Support for notes, comments & track-changes
  • Drop-Box integration
  • Support for Microsoft Office Excel, Power Point
What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 20, 2012)
  • Replay, Reply All, Fwd of Eml, MSG
  • Improved MSG, EML to support RTF, HTML bodys
  • Imporvment to multilinguale support
  • Document Reader based on Android builtin Text-To-Speech: messages, word files, text files
  • FWD files as mail attachments using MailClient and GmailClient
  • Added Support page - send your requests to us directly from Documento
  • improvement to Invite friend, you can select now from your contact list
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Download : 18Mb APK


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