Full Game + SD Data

Status Via +v11 APK

Friday 20 April 2012

Trick your friends or try to pretend you're far better off than you actually are !

Status Via +v11 play.google.com.facebookstatusviaplus
Status Via allows you to post status updates on Facebook under the guise of another device.
With the + version you don't have any pesky ads and you get to make your own devices. Oh yes. Make. Your. Own. You can't upload an icon but if you go tohttps://developers.facebook.com/apps on your PC you can easily do it there.

You've probably seen the "via Facebook for Android" and "via Facebook for iPhone" tags sitting underneath status updates. Well, you've probably also thought to yourself "Man, I wish I could have something a bit more... fulfilling in it's place".

The future is here my friends. You've got over 100(!) alternative options here. Crazy.

If lists didn't go above 100 this list would be literally endless.

You can post coming from:
  • Air Force One
  • Alcohol
  • Amiga 500
  • Anfield Road Stadium
  • Angry Birds
  • Banana Phone
  • Batcave
  • Batmobile
  • Bed
  • Binary Code
  • Blackberry
  • Blackberry Playbook
  • Blackberry Torch
  • BMW iDrive
  • Calculator
  • Carrier Pigeon
  • Cheese
  • Crayon
  • Donkey Kong Handheld
  • Firework
  • First Base
  • Ford Sync
  • Foursquare
  • Galaxy Tab
  • Gameboy Colour
  • Glade Air Freshener
  • GLaDOS
  • GoD
  • Google +
  • Gotham City
  • Heaven
  • Hell
  • Hogwarts
  • HTC
  • HTC Desire
  • International Space Station
  • IPad
  • IPhone
  • IPhone 5
  • IPod Nano
  • Jedi Mind Control
  • K.I.T.T. (Knight Industries Two Thousand)
  • Lamp
  • Linux Ubuntu
  • MacBook Pro
  • Magic 8 Ball
  • Mail Box
  • Mars
  • Message in a Bottle
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microwave
  •  Mind Control
  • Mind-computer Interface
  • Minecraft
  • Morse Code
  • My Bedroom
  • My Heart
  • NASA Satellite
  • Neptune
  • News of the World
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Nokia 3310
  • OnStar
  • Palm
  • Paper Airplane
  • Pencil
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • Pip Boy
  • Planet Krypton
  • Play-doh
  • Playboy Mansion
  • Playstation Network
  • Pogo Stick
  • Pokedex
  • Post-It Note
  • Potato
  • PS3
  • Refrigerator
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace
  • Samsung Galaxy S II
  • Sarcasm
  • Sega Dreamcast Browser
  • Sega Mega Drive
  • Shiny Tinfoil Hat
  • Skynet
  • Smoke Signal
  • Snes
  • Sofa
  • Sperm Whale
  • Sweet Dreams
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • T.V
  • Telepathy
  • the Closet
  • The Death Star
  • The Future
  • The Gay Bar
  • The Moon
  • The Mushroom Kingdom
  • The Past
  • the Pub
  • The Starship Enterprise
  • Tin Cans Connected by String
  • Toilet
  • Trash Can
  • Typewriter
  • U.S.S Voyager
  • Under Your Bed
  • VCR
  • Vibrator
  • Walmart
  • Watermelon
  • Weed
  • White House
  • Windows Phone
  • Xbox LIVE
  • Yellow Submarine
  • Your Mum
  • Your Mums Bed
  • ZX Spectrum
What's in this version: (Updated Apr 18, 2012)
  • Fixed all logging in and posting issues
  • Added logout option
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Download : 275Kb APK


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