TrueWeather animate actual weather, year seasons and day/night situation!
TrueWeather LWP
TrueWeather animate actual weather, year seasons and day/night situation.
TrueWeather animate actual weather, year seasons and day/night situation for your location or city as full HD live wallpaper. Main features of full version are:
- Real weather situation.
- Four year seasons animations (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Year season is automatically selected depend on your location and date.
- Real sunrise/sunset times.
- Real moon phases.
- 3 days forecast animations (double tap wallpaper to start forecast, see video).
- Feels like temperature.
- Wind speed and direction
- Humidity
- Quick access to 2nd city(triple tap wallpaper), you can see weather, year and day situation in your favorite city including forecasts
- Lots of settings
- Amazing interactive animation
- In autumn, windmill speed depends on real wind speed
- In spring, a flower falling from tree depends on wind speed, etc...
- Rain, Snow depends on wind speed, etc...
- Optimize for CPU and Battery usage
- add settings for Actual position
- minor bug fixed
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
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